The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: tomatoes (page 2 of 6)

Burnt Ricotta Salata, Tomatoes and Olives

In 2015, the Netflix show Chef’s Table premiered, and it had a big impact on me. Maybe it was where I was in my life at that time (a year out from a divorce and getting the hang of an entirely new career, no big deal), but I vividly remember being deeply moved by almost all the episodes. The way several of the chefs talked about their passion for making food for people and what motivated them to do it at such an impressive level literally made me cry. And then there was Francis Mallmann.

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Crispy Chicken Cutlets with Cherry Tomato Panzanella

Behold, a rare sight- a dish that’s actually made its way into my repeat-meal repertoire, a highly exclusive club. This recipe is pure summer, full of bright flavor and the ideal weeknight meal. It is, in effect, a kitchen unicorn.

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Indian Ginger Shrimp with Shallot and Curry Leaves

It’s nearly May, and New Yorkers are getting pretty concerned about Spring. As in, it’s nowhere to be found. We’ve had some late-in-the-season snowstorms and a lot of rain- but not the mild rains one might expect from this time of year. More like bone-chilling, multi-day drizzle and consistent 40-degree days. Despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to put the flannel pajamas back into storage just yet. Continue reading

Tomato and White Bean Soup

I waffled on whether or not to share this soup with you- not because it isn’t good (it’s really, really good, btw) but because I wondered if it was different enough from the other bean-vegetable-probably some tomato thrown in there- soups I’d shared in the past, like this one or this one. But upon further reflection, and further soup eating, I decided that this one is really a bean soup, rather than a vegetable soup like the others, and I also wanted to share with you a little soup epiphany I had while eating this.

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