The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: Ukrainian

Ukrainian Filled Dumplings (Vareniki)

Where do I even begin? A few weeks ago, I got on a plane to go to Thailand as rumors began to percolate about coronavirus being something we should really start taking more seriously. During my 10 days exploring Bangkok, lying on the beaches of Koh Kood and taking in the ancient ruins at Phanom Rung, I kept an eye on the news as the situation in New York City rapidly escalated, and I arrived back last week to a very different city than the one I had left.

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Ukrainian Pasta Bake

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Thanks to a fun but intense project at work, the past two months have featured an unfortunate convergence of almost no time spent at the gym and a uncontrollable hankering for comfort food. As evidence, I’ve cooked through several pounds of bacon during that time; it’s found its way into just about everything in my kitchen even despite its recent negative press. But when I look back on all of the many comforting, bacon-filled dishes I’ve put together and eaten late at night while feeling sorry for myself, this incredible – and incredibly easy – pasta bake gets the blue ribbon.

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