The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: squid

Tagliolini with Squid and Shrimp

Well it’s unofficially summer, and I’m OFFICIALLY declaring 2018 the Summer of Pasta. I’m not talking about the dried stuff from the box, though that serves its purpose and I love it. I’m talking sheets of fresh pasta, cut into fettucine and tagliatelle, or extruded into fusilli and bucatini. Or rolled and stuffed with all kinds of delicious stuff (artichoke hearts, anyone?). Or hand-formed ravioli or tortellini. Rounding out my carb-filled pipe dreams, I also have a family trip to Puglia planned in early July, so I fully intend to take rustic Grandma-style eating to the next level.

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Squid and Fennel Pasta with Lemon and Herbs

In another episode of gun-jumping I just could not wait to get this absolutely delicious, super simple summer pasta dish on your radar. After all, we only have 57 days until the summer equinox and it’s flying by fast. This recipe is another rarity that I’ve made more than once and it’s special because it’s delicious and beautiful enough for company, but easy enough to whip on a Thursday evening after work when the sun is still out at 8pm and you decided to have a few friends by for cocktails and dinner. Am I getting ahead of myself? I’m just so excited for the warmth of the sun.

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Korean Grilled Squid


I’m not big on resolutions in general, particularly the ones that set you up for almost certain failure (I’ll lose 15 pounds by February through a combination of thinking only positive thoughts and working out seven days a week!). But there are some goals I can get behind, the ones that encourage us to get out of our comfort zones a little and try new things, expand our horizons. One such resolution of mine is upping the ante in the kitchen, experimenting with more challenging recipes and preparations.

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