The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: shrimp (page 1 of 3)

Shrimp Pot Pie

Happy New Year! I’d say 2019 is off to a pretty strong start. I woke up on Tuesday morning clear-headed and well-rested (I scored 100% on my sleep app) after having turned in at about 11pm on New Year’s Eve, just about sober. And then I got to cooking through the piles of vegetables in my refrigerator, because one of my low-key resolutions is to EAT MORE VEGGIES. Marcella Hazan’s carrots with capers (a new favorite), swiss chard with mustard and creme fraiche and a British homity pie (shortcrust filled with mashed potatoes, leeks, onions and cheddar) made the cut for January 1, and I know they’re recipes I’ll use again and again.

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Vietnamese Savory Crepes (Banh Xeo)

I know I fell off the map a little bit again- and I’m sorry! I was really trying to make an excellent dessert, because I realized it’s been awhile since I posted something sweet. I created a few things that were GOOD but they were not GREAT, and then after a few attempts that left me eating two dozen mediocre cookies, I decided to give up and just go with the savory stuff.

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Thai Grilled Prawn Curry (Ngob Gung)

On a Thursday a few weeks ago, I met a friend for an after-work cocktail in a Nolita bar. With the weekend just around the figurative corner and Chinatown around the literal one,  I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pay a visit to Bangkok Center Grocery, the place for just about all your Thai cooking needs, to pick up some ingredients for a  project I’d dog-eared a really long time ago in David Thompson’s tome on Thai cuisine. When I arrived at Mother’s Ruin, my friend took one look at me, raised her eyebrows and said, “Uh, what have you got there?” I looked down at the giant pack of banana leaves and the wispy end of a lemongrass stalk poking out of my tote bag and told her I had stopped in Chinatown for some key ingredients before our meet-up. “Of course you did,” she replied. If I showed up to an after-work function with a 3-foot burdock root sticking out of my bag, no one would be surprised.

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Indian Ginger Shrimp with Shallot and Curry Leaves

It’s nearly May, and New Yorkers are getting pretty concerned about Spring. As in, it’s nowhere to be found. We’ve had some late-in-the-season snowstorms and a lot of rain- but not the mild rains one might expect from this time of year. More like bone-chilling, multi-day drizzle and consistent 40-degree days. Despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to put the flannel pajamas back into storage just yet. Continue reading

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