The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: radishes

Farro and Broccoli Salad


This week I achieved a personal milestone- one that can only signal I’ve reached full adulthood at age 32. I haven’t gotten married, or had kids, or moved out of my shared bachelorette pad. I’m in fact no closer to doing any of these things than I was last week or, quite frankly, 2 years ago. But what I have done, readers, is purchase my first real (i.e. not from Ikea) mattress.

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Asian Red Cabbage and Walnut Salad

I’m eight days out from being able to chew again (I mean, who’s counting, really) and boy am I excited. While dutifully eating my puréed soups, fruit smoothies and extra-calorie Ensures, I’ve been torturing myself watching the Food Network and scrolling through my almost exclusively food-centric Instagram feed. While I won’t be able to dive directly into a T-bone next week, I’m working out some easy, soft recipes (fish, pasta, eggs) to get started on. It’s utterly exhilarating.

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Black Rice Salad with Radishes and Ricotta

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In my ongoing and intermittently successful quest to feed myself at lunchtime without becoming a pauper, I’ve come across a few truly delicious recipes that have joined the relatively exclusive cache of things I might make again. This rice dish is one of them. Admittedly, the ingredient list looks a little off-color at first glance (radishes and ricotta salata anyone?) but I swear that this really works and makes for a delicious lunch you’ll actually want to fetch from the office refrigerator and not abandon for a $14 salad at the last minute or leave it at home “accidentally”.

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