The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: potatoes (page 1 of 5)

Ukrainian Filled Dumplings (Vareniki)

Where do I even begin? A few weeks ago, I got on a plane to go to Thailand as rumors began to percolate about coronavirus being something we should really start taking more seriously. During my 10 days exploring Bangkok, lying on the beaches of Koh Kood and taking in the ancient ruins at Phanom Rung, I kept an eye on the news as the situation in New York City rapidly escalated, and I arrived back last week to a very different city than the one I had left.

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Homity Pie

If you’ve never had homity pie, you’re in for a real treat. Falling somewhere between a quiche and a shepherd’s pie, it’s incredibly British and insanely delicious. If you know of anything tastier and more comforting than the best mashed potatoes ever stuffed into a flaky pie crust, please let me know about it ASAP. In the meantime, you should probably make this.

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Russian Borscht (Nabokova)

It’s Valentine’s Day, which means the internet is saturated with romantic stories and pink food. I was chiding myself for not saving my red velvet cake until today, when I realized that I actually had the perfect festive dish in my archives- a Valentine’s Day borscht!

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Koftas and Tahini Sauce

I love autumn for so many reasons, not least of which is the fact that it is not summer. I’ve always aspired to be a carefree person who loves the sunshine and spontaneity of summer, but this year I’ve come to terms with the fact that heat and humidity and honestly sometimes even sand make me cranky- crankier than usual. But fall! Fall is the best. I love the changing leaves in Central Park, cozy wool sweaters, dark manicures and being able to turn the oven on again without suffocating. And the seasonal pies. And the many dogs of the Upper West Side in their jackets. But one of the best things about autumn is that it’s cookbook season.

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