The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: Pies

Pumpkin-and-White Chocolate Mousse Pie

The new and improved pumpkin pie

I have always been underwhelmed by pumpkin pie. It has a squash-y taste no matter what spices you mix with it and frankly, I just find it a bit boring. It’s been my mission for the past couple of years to find a next-level pumpkin pie replacement. I’ve tried everything – kabocha squash pie, maple pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie with a brulee top. None of them has sold me. That is, until this year, when I discovered that the solution was to ditch the custard filling and opt for pumpkin mousse.

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Black-Bottom Peanut Pie

In honor of Pi Day, I promised to bring in a pie today for my colleagues. I got all the ingredients on Friday after work and was excited to try something new and then devise a way to lug it on my commute with me. Unfortunately, while springing forward this weekend, I fell right into a pile of the flu which means that I’m home sick today, staring at a nearly whole delicious pie, with no appetite.

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Lemon Meringue Pie

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When we were kids, my sister and I were allowed to choose the birthday cakes my mom would make for us. My choice was always either Boston cream or yellow cake with strawberries, custard and whipped cream. Simple and classic. My sister’s was lemon meringue pie. Why was a 6-year-old specifically requesting a lemon meringue pie, you ask? I don’t know, probably for the same reason that as a 4-year-old I loved to snack on potato rounds with crème fraîche and caviar. Regardless of where our sophisticated taste derived from early in life, my mom dutifully whipped up some mile-high lemon meringue every December.

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