The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: Nepalese

Nepalese Black-Eyed Pea Curry (Bodi ko Tarkaari)


It’s fascinating how grief and sadness and loss can affect different people in such varying ways, I’ve realized. Generally my default coping method is to not deal with those feelings up front, but instead to let them fester right under the surface for as long as I possibly can before they re-emerge days, months, sometimes even years later, bigger and more confusing than they ever were. Spoiler alert – it hasn’t worked for me so far! I don’t mean to make this post a downer or get too psycho-analytical, but the tragic earthquake that occurred last week in Nepal caught me off guard in a funny way, days after it had happened, opening up old wounds that had never quite healed properly and creating new, more complicated ones.

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Nepalese Stir-Fried Cabbage


Cabbage is a vegetable that really needs to hire a new publicist and launch a remarketing campaign, because it undeservedly has such a bad rap. I think it probably conjures up visions of a bland, boiled green pile alongside a slab of meat circa 1950. But personally, I love cabbage for its value (it might be the only thing in a New York City grocery store that I can buy for under two dollars), its staying power in my refrigerator, and its infinite cooking possibilities.

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