The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: mussels

Curried Mussels (Mexilhões com caril)

A week into recovery from jaw surgery, you hit a frustrating plateau. You wean yourself off the opioids, the bandages come off your face, you’ve managed to take a shower and you’re a bit more mobile. You graduate from the baby spoon to an adult-sized one! But at this point the baby food starts to get really tiresome, you find yourself endlessly craving baked goods and the cabin fever sets in. Add to this the rotten New York weather we’re experiencing at the moment, and I can’t get vacation daydreams out of my head.

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Mussels with Cava and Roasted Carrot Romesco

There’s something so celebratory about a steaming pot of mussels, right? To me, mussels are something you eat at a dinner party or a great French restaurant, even though they’re honestly one of the easiest and most rustic dishes a person could possibly prepare. I think it’s the magic of them that makes them special- opening the lid and seeing all the shells open and looking up at you, rolling up your sleeves and getting down to business, slurping the juices out of the shells and generally relying on all of your baser instincts, surrounded by a bunch of people doing the same.

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