The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: main-course-vegetarian (page 2 of 2)

Carrot and Cumin Tart


One of my most favorite foods is crust. Yes, you read that correctly- crust. When it comes to crust, I am pretty equal opportunity and love all kinds, but the best is pie crust. I can say without a trace of hyperbole that I would eat pretty much anything that was baked inside a flaky, buttery pie crust. And I am thinking of some pretty unsavory contenders right now.

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Nepalese Stir-Fried Cabbage


Cabbage is a vegetable that really needs to hire a new publicist and launch a remarketing campaign, because it undeservedly has such a bad rap. I think it probably conjures up visions of a bland, boiled green pile alongside a slab of meat circa 1950. But personally, I love cabbage for its value (it might be the only thing in a New York City grocery store that I can buy for under two dollars), its staying power in my refrigerator, and its infinite cooking possibilities.

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Moroccan Winter Squash with Caramelized Onions


For a long time, an embarrassingly long time, my main kitchen knife was a dull one. It was not a quality knife and it made prep work very, very unpleasant. It wasn’t until I took a knife class at the ICE that I realized what I’d been missing out on all this time. Teeny tiny julienned carrots? Easy! The smallest, most uniform garlic dice you’ve ever seen? No problem! I was a chopping machine.

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