The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: main-course-poultry (page 1 of 2)

Braised Stuffed Quail


We are squarely in the middle of winter. The holidays feel long gone but spring is not even remotely around the corner yet, and from now until the end of March there are so many root vegetables to eat and get tired of eating.  In the name of mixing things up in the bleakest time of the year, I’m working on cooking more meat – roasting and braising. It’s not as though I don’t eat meat (I would say I prepare it once a week but eat it maybe every other day), but when I do it’s not usually the centerpiece of the dish – more like just another ingredient. So in the name of a challenge, I decided that instead of starting out with the goal of perfecting a roast chicken like a normal, reasonable person, I’d make stuffed quail.

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Gong Bao Chicken with Peanuts


I’ll preface this recipe by saying that I hope you like spicy food, because this one’s a doozy. Now, you can play around with the number of chilies you use, but I like to follow instructions and also pride myself on having a pretty high tolerance for spiciness, and this dish called for 10 (yes, 10) dried red chiles. So it’s with great authority that I’m able to tell you that on the official spicy scale, 10 chilies = burning eyes, nose and mouth due to inhalation while cooking and sustained fire mouth while eating. Make sure you have a nice, flavorless pile of rice handy to accompany this one.

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Hypothetically, you may one day make a classic dish at home, and, after taking a small shortcut, end up with a dinner that tastes so good you can hardly even believe it, and are thus unable to stop eating it long after you become full, and are also unable to quench your thirst no matter how many glasses of water you drink. If this were to happen to you, I’d wager that the second ingredient listed on the shortcut you took was probably monosodium glutamate.

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Chicken and Ginger Simmered in Caramel Sauce


About a month ago, life handed me a big ol’ pile of lemons, and instead of making lemonade I threw them in the trash and decided to just sulk instead. Unfortunately, my kitchen was temporarily rendered pretty much unusable, which for me has been kind of devastating. It’s meant a lot of takeout food and not a lot of inspiration for me to show up here and share with you. I’m happy to say that it looks like the cloud on my kitchen is lifting and I’ll be able to get back in my apron and in front of my stove in a few short days, kitchen gods willing.  Thank you for being patient!

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