The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: leeks

Macedonian Pork Stew with Leeks

Straddling spring with pastel bowls

I’ll preface this by saying that while I haven’t been to Macedonia (YET – it is on the list!), I spent two glorious weeks exploring its neighbor, Albania. And while southern-Balkan-born people everywhere may balk that I am even comparing these two countries, from the perspective of someone in the United States or western Europe, there is a theme to food of this region. It’s hearty, simple and, above all, fresh food that has no shortage of flavor. It’s made with love and care using the freshest, humblest ingredients. It’s cozy to the core.

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Charred Onion Dip

The color wheel

Rebel that I am, when I invite friends over for a dinner party I almost always break the rule that you should only serve something you’ve made before, that you’re comfortable with. I break the rule with a lot of flair and gusto, always running late on poorly-timed preparations, wearing a dirty apron when guests arrive and saying things like “God I hope this tastes good!” So far, this approach has not failed me.

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Leek and Mixed Green Panade

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I came across this recipe a few weeks ago and was embarrassed to discover, as a self-proclaimed sophisticated francophile, that I did not know what a panade was. But as a lover of all things French, rustic and covered with melted cheese, I knew this was something I had to try.

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Italian Vegetable Stew


I saw this vegetable stew in the pages of a Bon Appetit and thought, “Well, that looks very healthy and appropriate for a January dinner.” And for exactly that reason, I was not going to make it. See, I know January is about resolutions and healthful eating, and reversing the damage of a sustained diet consisting only of holiday cookies, etc. But while I put great importance on exercise and eating in moderation, I’d never cook something just because it’s healthy. It has to look DELICIOUS, and if it happens to be healthy, well then that is an added bonus.  There are too many dishes out there that I need to get to!

While I am divulging my bad habits, I have another confession. I don’t really like kale. This is like foodie blasphemy, as it seems as though 2013 was The Year of Kale. Kale, to me, tastes bitter and it’s tough and its curly edges are sharp. This stew has kale. It also has collard greens. I like collard greens…cooked in bacon for so long that they can no longer be scientifically considered vegetables. So you see, I wasn’t really expecting much when I set out to make this dish.

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