The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: Korean (page 1 of 2)

Deep-Fried Sweet & Spicy Chicken Wings (Yang-nyeom chicken)

If there is a silver lining to a pandemic that keeps you cooped up indoors and away from most of the people and things that tend to give your everyday life meaning, it’s that it provides some big-time perspective REAL FAST.

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Korean Stir-Fried Sweet Potato Noodles (Japchae)

I had an unplanned hiatus from the blog for the past couple of weeks for a number of reasons, including a big project at work, a stomach flu and unplanned technical difficulties. In a bizarre foreshadowing, about three weeks ago my colleague and friend remarked that my the laptop’s desktop was a real disaster (she may have used stronger language) and that if my computer were to crash, I’d be very sorry. Exactly one week later when my laptop crashed, I was indeed very sorry. After some initial panic, it all looks like it’s going to be okay, but I have learned my lesson. I think.

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Chilled Kimchi-Spiced Noodles (Bibim Guksu)

I’m always changing my answer to this question, so don’t hold it against me if I emphatically write something completely different a year from now, but I think if I had to choose one cuisine to eat exclusively for the rest of my life, it would be Korean food. I love the garlickly spiciness of many Korean dishes, the perfection of the grilled meats, the massive number of condiments that come alongside, from the tiny silver fish to the pickled daikon, and of course kimchi, which I enjoy eating straight from the container (triple sealed in the fridge, of course).

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Korean Grilled Squid


I’m not big on resolutions in general, particularly the ones that set you up for almost certain failure (I’ll lose 15 pounds by February through a combination of thinking only positive thoughts and working out seven days a week!). But there are some goals I can get behind, the ones that encourage us to get out of our comfort zones a little and try new things, expand our horizons. One such resolution of mine is upping the ante in the kitchen, experimenting with more challenging recipes and preparations.

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