The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: Japanese

Yellowtail Bowl with Citrus and Avocado

I haven’t talked about this very much in any areas of my life, partially because it’s been on the horizon for a long time but always a bit out of the realm of reality, and partially because I’ve been actively trying not to think about it. But the fact is that I’m having corrective double-jaw surgery on Thursday. On the one hand, I’ll be happy to get it over with and move into the healing period where I can focus my energy on getting better and moving forward. On the other hand, I’m pretty scared about the surgery and especially the recovery, which is rough any way you look at it and involves a liquid diet for 6-8 weeks. This really hit me yesterday.

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Soba Salad with Lemon-Miso Vinaigrette

If this past weekend – featuring sunshine, bursting farmers’ markets and buckets of rose on the terrace – is any indication, we’re officially out of root vegetable season and into salad season. It’s music to my ears and I spent Saturday late afternoon and evening perched on my terrace with a wine glass in hand dreaming of all the seasonal dishes I can’t wait to prepare this summer. And while I’m not one to rely on a recipe to put together a salad, this soba noodle dish from Saveur is such a keeper that I couldn’t not share it with you.

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I hope you’ve noticed The Kitchen Chronicles’ new re-design! I’ve been wanting to make this site look more like my own for a long, long time but it wasn’t until my first-year college roommate (!!) volunteered to make it happen that it actually did. I’m super excited to build out some new functionalities over the course of the next few months (a recipe index, printable recipes and a travel index) so please bear with me as the site may look a bit lopsided from time to time as this happens.

I just returned from a week-long vacation in stunning (and also humbling) Guatemala, a little more relaxed and a lot more refreshed. We ate a lot of delicious food (I think I had Guatemalan chuchitos every day, including for breakfast) and I’m really looking forward to trying my hand at some of those flavors (in the meantime, I have one Guatemalan dish here) but I’m not going to share that today. Today, we’re going just about as far around the other side of the world as we can, to a place I’ve never been but is very, very high up on the to-do list. Japan.

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Hypothetically, you may one day make a classic dish at home, and, after taking a small shortcut, end up with a dinner that tastes so good you can hardly even believe it, and are thus unable to stop eating it long after you become full, and are also unable to quench your thirst no matter how many glasses of water you drink. If this were to happen to you, I’d wager that the second ingredient listed on the shortcut you took was probably monosodium glutamate.

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