The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: Chinese (page 2 of 3)

Northern-Style Boiled Dumplings (Shui Jiao)

Those who know me well know I have an unabashed crush on David Chang- restaurateur, frequent television show guest and now owner of a media empire. I also love his new Netflix show, Ugly Delicious, in which he and his foodie friends (including Peter Meehan, whom I like…less) discuss different types of food, with the thesis that “ugly” food- the kind that’s typically on the brown end of the spectrum and not plated using tweezers- is really the best stuff. Each episode is centered around one “type” of food- and the last episode is one entitled “Stuffed.”

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Spicy Beef Pan-Fried Dumplings

I consider dumplings to be their own food group, and I’m obsessed with them. There is something just so comforting about the doughy exterior, the surprise inside and the relenting chew. When it comes to dumplings of the world, I don’t discriminate – shumai and gyoza, manti, pierogis, pelmeni, vareniki, khinkali, tortellini and ravioli, momo, wontons and soup dumplings – I love them all. And while these dumplings are all a little different (doughs, fillings, textures, cooking techniques) what they have in common is that they’re a real labor of love. Or frustration. But mostly love.

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Stir-Fried “Beef” with Broccoli

"Beef' and broccoli

I really try not to have any food-related vices, mostly because, generally speaking, I eat whatever I want and deal with the consequences of that manifesto. But if I had to name my foodie guilty pleasures they would be 1) sharing a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked with a friend and 2) ordering a greasy Chinese feast always made up of fried pork dumplings, garlic eggplant and beef and broccoli. There’s something about overcooked vegetables drowned in a usually unidentifiable but always delicious brown sauce that gets me every time.

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Gong Bao Chicken with Peanuts


I’ll preface this recipe by saying that I hope you like spicy food, because this one’s a doozy. Now, you can play around with the number of chilies you use, but I like to follow instructions and also pride myself on having a pretty high tolerance for spiciness, and this dish called for 10 (yes, 10) dried red chiles. So it’s with great authority that I’m able to tell you that on the official spicy scale, 10 chilies = burning eyes, nose and mouth due to inhalation while cooking and sustained fire mouth while eating. Make sure you have a nice, flavorless pile of rice handy to accompany this one.

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