The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: cabbage (page 2 of 2)

Spicy Cabbage and Rice (Lahanorizo Kaftero Kozanis)


First of all, happy new year to everyone!  It’s January 2nd, which means most of us have just barely recovered from the stresses of the holidays and this week’s celebrations. Regardless of what you’re bouncing back from, I doubt I’m alone in my readiness to eschew all things “holiday.” That means no more cloves, cinnamon, allspice, winter squashes and cranberries, at least for the time being. Adios rolling pie dough, goodbye feeding 8-10 relatives, sayonara washing dishes. For me, this week is about getting back to simplicity, back to cooking in a single pot.

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Nepalese Stir-Fried Cabbage


Cabbage is a vegetable that really needs to hire a new publicist and launch a remarketing campaign, because it undeservedly has such a bad rap. I think it probably conjures up visions of a bland, boiled green pile alongside a slab of meat circa 1950. But personally, I love cabbage for its value (it might be the only thing in a New York City grocery store that I can buy for under two dollars), its staying power in my refrigerator, and its infinite cooking possibilities.

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