The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: broccoli (page 2 of 2)

White Beans and Charred Broccoli with Parmesan

Back in 2014, as a young whippersnapper just finding my footing as a home cook, I threw a little dinner party in my old Upper East Side apartment. A subscriber of Bon Appetit (since lapsed), I’d just read the October 2014 issue (the “party issue”, I believe) and chose several dishes among those pages to serve my guests. One such dish was a pork shoulder served with vinaigrette, and another was this amazing side of roasted broccoli and giant corona beans. I loved both, and re-made the pork shoulder last November. I have been thinking about the broccoli and beans for approximately the past 3 years.

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Stir-Fried “Beef” with Broccoli

"Beef' and broccoli

I really try not to have any food-related vices, mostly because, generally speaking, I eat whatever I want and deal with the consequences of that manifesto. But if I had to name my foodie guilty pleasures they would be 1) sharing a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked with a friend and 2) ordering a greasy Chinese feast always made up of fried pork dumplings, garlic eggplant and beef and broccoli. There’s something about overcooked vegetables drowned in a usually unidentifiable but always delicious brown sauce that gets me every time.

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Broccoli Coleslaw with Bacon and Raisins

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I discovered rotisserie chicken about 3 weeks ago. It has basically opened up a whole new world, one that allows me to concentrate on cooking only a side dish to eat alongside my moist, crispy lemon garlic Fairway chicken. It has also raised a number of questions for me, not least of which is, how can a cooked chicken possibly cost less than a raw one? Hasn’t anyone ever studied economics? How do they smell SO GOOD? How did I not discover this resource until now? If you eat an entire rotisserie chicken by yourself and no one sees you, did you really eat it?

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