The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: apples

Brussels Sprout Salad with Toasted Sesame Vinaigrette

I have been what adults call a “really good eater” my entire life. To be fair, I wasn’t given much of a choice growing up as our household was a principled member of the Clean Plate Club. And for context, my favorite food for a number of years in my mid-single-digits was “salad.” But there were always a few items that I was not pleased to see on my dinner plate, and Brussels sprouts was one such vegetable.

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Crumb-Topped Apple Pie

I’m saying this in the least braggy way possible- but I know I’m a good cook. Better than most. Above average. I have a pretty good understanding of flavors and, because I like to challenge myself, decent technique. I can make a very passable soufflé and whip up cream puffs like it’s no big deal. But perfect pie crust has eluded me from the beginning.

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Fried Apples with Bourbon Caramel

Apple pie, hold the pie

Fall seems to have arrived this year when I wasn’t looking. One day I was drenched with sweat on my way to work and the next I was tearing through my winter storage under the bed to uncover some much needed tights. No thanks to a pretty insane schedule, the floor of my room is still covered in things like jackets and vests, and the cat has taken to nesting between two unmatched boots. But hopefully you’re participating in more traditional autumn activities, like shamelessly ordering pumpkin spice lattes, picking out a Halloween costume or going apple picking. Which brings me to this recipe.

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Cranberry-Apple Custard Pie

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I come from a family of good cooks, so cooking together during the holidays is something we take very seriously. But unlike a lot of families, maybe because the number of people we celebrate with has shrunk over the years, we don’t have a very set menu of traditional dishes for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. That is, except for the pies.

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