The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Tag: appetizer-vegetarian

Parsley & Feta Pies (Pogça)


It was during the making of these adorable hand pies that I realized something was seriously wrong with my oven. Now, something has always been wrong with my oven, principally that it’s half the size of an oven fit for use by a full-grown human. But alas, to add to my already handicapped appliance, no sooner had I preheated it and inserted my first tray of pies than I realized that my entryway was filled with a pretty thick cloud of smoke. Within seconds, of course, my smoke detector was screeching, cats were scattering under furniture and I was sure that one of my neighbors, alarmed at the smoke that could likely now be smelled in the hallway, would knock on my door to make sure I wasn’t burning the building down. Was I? I wasn’t sure.

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Stuffed Mushrooms


Today I bring you a delightful little appetizer, just in time for…well, not Easter or Passover, as it turns out. My kitchen crisis just didn’t resolve itself in time to get this to you for whatever holidays you may have been celebrating or dinner parties you may have been hosting. But does it really matter? I’m looking at the sunshine outside my window, and back at my freshly cleaned and back-in-action kitchen, and I can think of plenty of reasons to celebrate with some springtime finger foods.

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Mushrooms, Brown Butter and Parmesan on Toast


Here in the northeast we are having some…weather.  The kind that results in the very rare and elusive city snow day. This, my friends, is the first time in nearly five years that I have not gone to the office due to snow. City dwellers are expected to tromp to work in any kind of weather. But this time, heavy precipitation, temperatures that will freeze your face right off, high winds, and timing right after the holidays when many people are still on vacation, have truly created the perfect storm (pun very much intended).

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