The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Category: Main Course (page 2 of 27)

Rigatoni with Cauliflower

Okay! Here in NYC we’ve made it through our first week of sheltering in place on top of the initial week of social distancing. We are…HANGING IN THERE! I’m cycling through two to three distinct moods per day, ranging from EVERYTHING IS FINE to LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. Sometimes I’m giving pep talks, other times I’m feeling extremely sorry for myself. The one constant is that I’m literally always looking towards the next meal.

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Ukrainian Filled Dumplings (Vareniki)

Where do I even begin? A few weeks ago, I got on a plane to go to Thailand as rumors began to percolate about coronavirus being something we should really start taking more seriously. During my 10 days exploring Bangkok, lying on the beaches of Koh Kood and taking in the ancient ruins at Phanom Rung, I kept an eye on the news as the situation in New York City rapidly escalated, and I arrived back last week to a very different city than the one I had left.

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Roulade of Taro Leaves with a Tomato Mustard Sauce (Patra Masala)

I really pride myself on my ability to solve all kinds of problems. I’m talking the kind I solve for my clients at work (i.e. “This horrible thing is about to break in the news, what do I do?”) and the more tangible kind around the house (i.e. how to maximize space above my cabinets with custom home-built bookshelves). I draw the line at electric work but light plumbing has always been fair game. However, this weekend I came to terms with the limitations of my home improvement abilities.

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Fat Noodles with XO Sauce

There are so many ways for cooking to be satisfying, though I find that for me it usually falls into one of two camps. Either I threw something together out of nothing and it’s unexpectedly delicious (my “famous” refrigerator eggs and rice) or I put in countless hours grocery shopping in the outer boroughs, making the recipes inside recipes (don’t you love that?) and used techniques entirely new to me, and it turned out delicious despite the opportunity for about 150 kinds of failure along the way. The recipes from the cookbook Adventures of Fat Rice feature the latter style. But with no failure, only delicious outcomes.

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