The Kitchen Chronicles

Adventures in City Cooking

Happy New Year and Madeleines



I’d argue that there are few things worse than finding yourself sick on New Year’s Eve. It truly feels like the world is having a party without you, regardless of how invested in the day you were in the first place. Well here I am, with a full-on sinus infection with a side of ear pain. I’ve decided to use this newfound “free time” (really trying to turn a frown upside down here) to start this blog, which I have been meaning to do for almost three years now.

Madeleines really seem like the perfect first recipe to share given the circumstances, since they are my one true comfort food. On the most stressful days at work I’ll treat myself to madeleines (from the package, shhh) with my afternoon coffee. They are so simple and so perfect- buttery on the inside with just a hint of crisp around the edges. Yes, they are a little fussy (they are French, after all) and require their OWN pan that is used for nothing else and takes up valuable real estate, especially when your ovenware is stored in your mini-oven in meticulously stacked piles. BUT, you can make them out of ingredients you already have in the cupboard (plus a lemon) which means that you don’t have to brave the grey 35° weather when you’re sick on the couch. I’d say it’s worth the investment in the pan.


These cookies come together very quickly, though keep in mind that the batter needs to chill for a few hours (I chilled for 3). It comes out of the fridge feeling a little spongy and you’ll have to press it into the molds (you could also do this first and then chill in the pan). As you do this, you will wonder if they will come out looking like shells- trust me, they will.




Classic Madeleines

Servings: Makes 12 large madeleines or 36 mini ones


  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled


  1. Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. Put sugar and lemon zest in the bowl of a stand mixer or large bowl and use your fingers to rub them together until the sugar is moist and fragrant. Add the eggs to the bowl and beat, using the whisk attachment or a hand mixer or whisk, for two minutes, or until the batter is light colored, fluffy and thick. Beat in the vanilla extract, then, using a rubber spatula, fold in the dry ingredients followed by the melted butter.
  2. You'll need to let the batter rest in the refrigerator for a least 3 hours or overnight, either in the bowl or in the molds, with plastic wrap pressed against the surface.
  3. When ready to bake, center a rack in the oven and preheat to 400°F. Butter the madeleine molds, dust with flour and tap out the excess. Place the pan(s) on a baking sheet and spoon the batter into the molds, filling each one to the top.
  4. Bake large madeleines for 11 to 13 minutes, minis for 8 to 10 minutes, or until they are golden and the tops spring back when prodded gently. Remove the pan(s) from the oven and release the madeleines from the molds by rapping the edge of the pan against the counter. Gently pry any stubborn madeleines form the pan using your fingers or a butter knife. Transfer to a rack to cool to just warm or room temperature.



  1. Umm yummy this is making me want to hunt around the kitchen to find something that resembles these treasures in either taste or their cute shape..Ugh.. nothing of course even comes close!

  2. Love the photos great work my dear!

  3. Do you ship to Florida??

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